
IBM C4040-251 questions and answers

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C4040-251Exam Code: C4040-251
Exam Name: Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1
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C4040-251 Bootcamp Total Q&A: 83 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 07-23,2015
C4040-251 Practice Exam Detail : C4040-251 Bootcamp
NO.1 Which tape backup option is supported for migration from a POWER6 520 with a SCSI
attached external LTO-3 tape drive to a POWER8 S814, and is read compatible with LTO3?
A. Migrate the SCSI adapter to the S814 and attach it to an existing LTO-3 tape drive.
B. Add an SAS adapter and external LTO-5 tape drive.
C. Add an internal LTO-4 tape drive in the CEC.
D. Add an SAS adapter and external LTO-6 tape drive.
Answer: B

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NO.2 Dynamic partition migration , the following is required ?
A. PowerVM Enterprise Edition SAN disk system Virtual Ethernet
B. dedicated processor PowerVM Enterprise Edition Virtual Ethernet
C. dual VIO server PowerVM Enterprise Edition SAN attached disk Two virtual processors
D. dedicated processor Dual VIO server SAN disk system Virtual Ethernet
Answer: A

IBM Study Guide   C4040-251   C4040-251

NO.3 Which Power Systems tool uses published benchmark data to create a simple cost comparison
between Scale-out and x86 servers?
A. Quick Reference Tool
B. Workload Estimator Tool
C. TCA-TCO Seller Tool
D. Server Consolidation Tool
Answer: D

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NO.4 Which components ofPowerKVM provide I / O virtualization ?
B. virsh C .QEMU
C. Kimchi
Answer: C

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  • Number of questions: 63
  • Time allowed in minutes: 90
  • Required passing score: 60%
  • Languages: English 
NO.5 Compared with 720 quad-core , four -core S814 What added to the standard features to
improve RAS capabilities ?
B. Chipkill Memory
C. Support PCIe Hot
D. alternate processor recovery (Alternate Processor Recovery}
Answer: B

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NO.6 What provides a comparison of Power Systems to competitors for applications?
A. SPECint
Answer: A

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NO.7 A customer is interested in migrating Little Endian (LE) Linux workloads to POWERS servers
running PowerKVM.
Which Linux distribution will satisfy the requirement?
A. Ubuntu
B. RedHat
C. CentOS
Answer: D

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NO.8 There are 20 partitions on the customer's Power8 system , want to allocate additional storage
from non- IBM SAN to each partition. License fees for all partitions drivers and multi-path software
beyond the current budget.
Which one of the following technologies will meet their demands in the budget ?
Answer: D

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